Article Processing Charges

APC Amount:

The IJFTCSE levies an Article Processing Charge (APC) of INR 2000 per article. This fee helps cover the costs of manuscript processing, peer review, editing, formatting, online publication, and long-term digital archiving.

Waivers and Discounts:

The journal provides fee waivers or discounts for authors from low-income countries or those facing financial constraints. Requests for waivers must be submitted during the manuscript submission process and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Payment Timing:

The APC is due upon manuscript acceptance but prior to publication. Authors will receive detailed instructions on how to complete the payment after their manuscript is accepted for publication.

Payment Methods:

Accepted payment methods include credit card payments, bank transfers, and institutional invoicing. Payment instructions will be provided to authors upon acceptance of their manuscript.

APC Transparency:

The IJFTCSE maintains full transparency in its APC structure. The fee is used solely to cover the costs of the journal’s operations, and payment does not influence editorial decisions regarding manuscript acceptance.

Cancellations and Refunds:

If a manuscript is withdrawn before the final publication stage, the IJFTCSE may provide a partial or full refund of the APC, depending on the stage of the publication process.

Sponsorships and Partnerships:

The IJFTCSE may collaborate with academic institutions or organizations to offer sponsorships for APCs, particularly for authors from developing regions or for special issue publications.

Regular Review of APC Policy:

The APC policy is regularly reviewed to ensure that it reflects the costs of publishing and remains fair and equitable for all authors. The journal strives to keep the fees as low as possible while maintaining high editorial standards.