Archiving Policy
The IJFTCSE has adopted the CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) initiative to guarantee the preservation of its content over time. The CLOCKSS network provides a distributed, decentralized system for preserving scholarly content, ensuring its long-term availability even in the event of any publisher disruption. This system maintains multiple distributed archival nodes worldwide, providing redundancy and ensuring the articles’ availability for future researchers.
The IJFTCSE further benefits from the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) preservation strategy, a global archiving system that relies on multiple libraries across the world to store and safeguard copies of the journal’s content. This decentralized approach ensures the integrity and preservation of the journal’s published works, making them accessible even in the case of technical failures or emergencies.
PKP Preservation Network (PN):
The IJFTCSE is part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) Preservation Network, which employs multiple archiving technologies to protect and maintain the journal's content. This network enhances the stability and accessibility of the journal’s digital publications, ensuring they remain publicly available and accessible to researchers worldwide.